Friday, November 15, 2013 sample

First of all I must mention has done great job by providing some easy means to have REST api documentation, collaborate as well as expose it to public or keep it private. With the new release of the same I was struggling little bit to make use of the new version, for that I had to go through the detailed documentation (refer). But I felt this tutorial just demonstrates blueprint code, it doesn't show the corresponding preview related to given blueprint code. I had to invest some time to figure out what code generate which effect. So I have created one sample blueprint for which you can refer the code below and result of the same For more details refer api tutorial (, one can add more styling in documentation using markdown, for more help on markdown refer.

 # Sample API Documentation  
 Sample api documentation for sample project.  
 # Allowed HTTPs requests:  
 PUT   : To create resource   
 POST  : Update resource  
 GET   : Get a resource or list of resources  
 DELETE : To delete resource  
 # Description Of Usual Server Responses:  
 - 200 `OK` - the request was successful (some API calls may return 201 instead).  
 - 201 `Created` - the request was successful and a resource was created.  
 - 204 `No Content` - the request was successful but there is no representation to return (i.e. the response is empty).  
 - 400 `Bad Request` - the request could not be understood or was missing required parameters.  
 - 401 `Unauthorized` - authentication failed or user doesn't have permissions for requested operation.  
 - 403 `Forbidden` - access denied.  
 - 404 `Not Found` - resource was not found.  
 - 405 `Method Not Allowed` - requested method is not supported for resource.  
 # Some sample  
   Test sample         |  test column two  
   First column sadf asdfads  |  sfsdsadf  
   test one          | Another column    
 # Table sample  
     <td> First Column </td>  
     <td> Second Column </td>    
     <td> First Column </td>  
     <td> Second Column </td>   
 # Code Sample  
   Some code here  
 # Group User  
 Represents user details.   
 **User attributes:**  
 - id `(Number)` : unique identifier.   
 - fname `(String)` : First Name.  
 - lname `(String)` : Last Name.  
 - email `(String)` : email id of the user.  
 ## User Collection [/users(?since,limit)]  
 ### List all users [GET]  
 Retrieve paginated list of users.  
 + Parameters  
   + since (optional, String) ... Timestamp in ISO 8601 format: `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` Only users updated at or after this time are returned.  
   + limit (optional, Number) ... maximum number of records expected by client.  
 + Response 200 (application/json)  
         "id": 1,  
         "fname": "Pandurang",  
         "lname": "Patil",  
         "email": "[email protected]"  
         "id": 2,  
         "fname": "Sangram",  
         "lname": "Shinde",  
         "email": "[email protected]"  
 + Response 401 (application/json)  
       "error": "error.unauthorized"  
 ### Create a User [PUT]  
 + Request (application/json)  
       "fname": "Ram",  
       "lname": "Jadhav",  
       "email": "[email protected]"  
 + Response 201 (application/json)  
       "id": 3,  
       "fname": "Ram",  
       "lname": "Jadhav",  
       "email": "[email protected]"  
 ## User [/users/{id}]  
 A single User object with all its details  
 + Parameters  
   + id (required, Number, `1`) ... Numeric `id` of the User to perform action with.  
 ### Retrieve a User [GET]  
 + Response 200 (application/json)  
   + Header  
       X-My-Header: The Value  
   + Body  
         "id": 1,  
         "fname": "Pandurang",  
         "lname": "Patil",  
         "email": "[email protected]"  
 + Response 401 (application/json)  
       "error": "error.unauthorized"  
 ### Update a User [POST]  
 Update user details  
 + Request (application/json)  
       "id": 1,  
       "fname": "Pandurang",  
       "lname": "Patil",  
       "email": "[email protected]"  
 + Response 200 (application/json)  
       "id": 1,  
       "fname": "Pandurang",  
       "lname": "Patil",  
       "email": "[email protected]"  
 + Response 401 (application/json)  
       "error": "error.unauthorized"  
 ### Remove a User [DELETE]  
 + Response 204  
 + Response 401 (application/json)  
       "error": "error.unauthorized"  