java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
You get this error that means your JVM is running out of allocated memory for storing class metadata information (class properties, methods annotations etc). This space is not cleaned by Garbage Collected by Garbage collector. When JVM run out of memory for this, it could happen because of multiple reasons,
- One you are dynamically generating classes and those are getting loaded in JVM.
- Second your application is so big and it has more number of dependencies on other third party libraries. Which in turn deploys huge number of jars.
- Third you are deploying multiple modules in the form separate wars (multiple war files) inside your application server. Which results in loading big number of classes in JVM's memory space.
In either of the case to resolve this issue, you have to first try to reduce the number of classes / jars that you are deploying with your application. In some cases I have seen we tend to use multiple frameworks in the same application when single framework can do the job. Generally that happens if we don't keep a tap on what all frameworks getting used in your application and every team member go ahead and add new framework in application. Because he / she has already used it and not willing to explore frame work being used currently in project. If we try, avoid and exclude absolute dependency we can reduce the memory foot print of the application. Which in turn reduces the possibility of getting this errors. I also also see one more reason for this error that is "Maven" which includes dependencies of dependencies some times dependencies which are not needed. This happens without the knowledge to the developer. And it may become tedious to remove / exclude unwanted dependencies with maven. I don't say it is not possible but it takes some time.
In some cases if you are deploying multiple applications (.war this in context of deploying application on single servlet container). Every application's dependencies will be isolated from each other, and thus it ends up loading some common jars (across the deployed wars) multiple times and in turn ends up consuming more memory. In such cases, one can sort out all common jars across application and deploy them in containers class path directly e.g. inside jetty you can copy those common jar in <jetty home>/lib/ext. As well as remove such common jar from individual war file and then deploy them. Now here there are some challenges as well as some extra efforts and time you need to put in to sort those dependencies. When I talk about challenges, I am talking about situation where there is conflict of versions of dependencies i.e. one app is used lower version of some library and other one is using latest version of the same. In such cases you should keep those dependencies packaged with war only. On extra efforts and time, it depends on you whether you are ready invest your time or money on spending more on hardware. (ok I prepared one utility that will scan all war files, extract common shared jars in one folder and repackage those war files once again excluding common jar files refer)
If you are developing your front end with GWT, then I have seen all GWT libraries remain packaged with WAR file. Here I would like to point out that when you compile your GWT project for deployment, all your GWT client code has been converted to JavaScript. So you no more require those classes to be deployed with your application unless those are being used in backend code as well. And some times it becomes quite tedious to isolate these classes. So I would suggest you to break down you application in three modules, one for pure client side GWT code, one for common code which will be shared across both GWT client side code as well as backend code and third module will be for pure backend side code. In this situation you could exclude the dependency or code from pure GWT module while deployment.
After you try all possibilities and you cannot reduce the memory foot print you can try increasing the allocated permgen memory with following options
- -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M Increase memory used for perm gen. Value for these options you need to do trial and error.
- You can also try with following options if you are using AOP or dynamically generating the classes.
- -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled : Enables garbage collection in permgen
CMSClassUnloadingEnabled Allows garbage collector to remove the classes.